This came into prominence when it is known that the terrorists of mumbai attack used this to communicate .
This is actually a tool which takes input a photo and a text file that contains the message as input and produces a photo which is exactly same as that of the input photo ,but the ouput photo contains the hidden data.
This was a challenge for indian officers initially they took more period to find any clue from the photograph.After few days they have found that s-tools is a software used to hide the message in photograph.
It is too difficult for a human eye to disting between actual photo and photo that has hidden data.
Lets see how to use it actually:
1.First open s-tools
2.Then Drag photo to open space(outer window).

3.Then drag ur ".txt" file which contains message onto the photo.
4.Then it asks for password .This has to be used by reciever by to know hidden data.
5.Then u get a photo which is identical to input photo but has hidden data.
6.Then right click on it and do " save as" the photo .that's it you got a photo which has hidden data.
7.To know hidden data you have to use this s/w.
8.Just drag the hidden photo onto open space.
9.Then right click and click reveal then you enter password that you have entered to hide data before then u get a window that shows text file that has actual data.
10.Then right click on the text file and click "save as" to get back message.
Lets try it out just for fun but not for Doing Harm.
Try this out today.
Click here to download